Born in 1970, KIM Hee-Jung graduated from Seoul Institute of the Arts majoring in playwriting. In 1997 enter Polish National Film School in Lodz. She has made several short films. Her shorts including Portrait of the Father, The Appointment, Once...Someday were featured at numerous international film festivals including Clermont-Ferrand, Edinburgh, Munich and Chicago. Especially, The Appointment drew international attention after having won awards at Chicago International Fil...
Born in 1970, KIM Hee-Jung graduated from Seoul Institute of the Arts majoring in playwriting. In 1997 enter Polish National Film School in Lodz. She has made several short films. Her shorts including Portrait of the Father, The Appointment, Once...Someday were featured at numerous international film festivals including Clermont-Ferrand, Edinburgh, Munich and Chicago. Especially, The Appointment drew international attention after having won awards at Chicago International Film Festival and Krakow Student Film Festival. In 2006, KIM was invited to the Residence in Paris, Canne’s residence program that allows young directors to work on their first or second feature film project, and completed the script of The Wonder Years. Known for its simple but sensitive approach to the characters, The Wonder Years won the Best Newcomer Director Award at the Seoul Independent Film Festival and was screened at TOKYO FILMeX and Warsaw International Film Festival. KIM also completed the script for her second feature Grape Candy through Cannes’ Residence program in 2009. Grape Candy was world premiered at the 6th Cinema Digital Film Festival in Seoul. Also screened at Warsaw International Film Festival, TOKYO FILMeX and several film festivals. For her next work, KIM was invited to participate in the Jeonju Cinema Project for the 16th edition of the Jeonju International Film Festival. <Snow Paths>, about a young nun played by rising star PARK So-dam, also screened at the Karlvoy Vary and Goteberg International Film Festivals, among others.