Born in 1992, Kim Jungeun entered the Film Department of Yong In University in 2010, majoring in film direction. After honing her skill through a few shorts, including Asia International Youth Film Festival Best Screenplay Winner and Grand Bell Awards nominated <In This Town> (2015), she worked as an assistant director on the horror anthology <Horror Stories III>. Her next short <Night Working> (2017), which revolves around the friendship between a Cambodian...More
Born in 1992, Kim Jungeun entered the Film Department of Yong In University in 2010, majoring in film direction. After honing her skill through a few shorts, including Asia International Youth Film Festival Best Screenplay Winner and Grand Bell Awards nominated <In This Town> (2015), she worked as an assistant director on the horror anthology <Horror Stories III>. Her next short <Night Working> (2017), which revolves around the friendship between a Cambodian immigrant and a Korean doing the night shift together at a factory, was screened at a large number of festivals, winning the Grand Prize at the Catholic Film Festival and receiving a nomination for the Blue Dragon Film Awards. Dealing with a victim of revenge porn trying to reconnect with her mother, her feature debut <Gyeong-ah’s Daughter> (2022) received many praises from the critics and received the Watcha’s Pick Award and the CGV Arthouse Distribution Support Prize at the Jeonju International Film Festival.Less
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On December 20 (local time), the Palm Springs International Film Festival announced a list of the 34th film festival schedule and screenings on its official website. Among them, a total of 4 Korean movies were invited, including Director Park Chanwook's Decision to Leave, Director Kore-eda Hirokazu's Broker, Director Jung July’s Next Sohee, and Director Kim Jungeun's Gyeongah's Dau...