At the 46th Annecy International Animation Film Festival in France, which is called the ‘Cannes Film Festival in the animation world,’ Korean animations won 2 awards. Director Hong Junpyo’s Chun Tae-il won the Contrechamp Jury Distinction, while Director Moon Sujin's short film Persona won the Cristal for a Graduation Film. ‘Contrechamp’ is a section that examines unique and challenging featur...
A pair of Korean films have received jury distinctions at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, the most prestigious event for animated films around the world. AHN Jae-huun’s The Shaman Sorceress (2018) was awarded in the Contrechamp competition section, while JEONG Hae-ji’s Sura was recognized in the Graduation Short Films competitive program. The Shaman Sorceress debuted at the Busan...
Six Korean films will compete at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival next month, which this year will take place online due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, led by the features Beauty Water and The Shaman Sorceress (2018), which have been invited to the Contrechamp competitive section. Beauty Water is based on a popular body horror-themed webtoon from 2015 by OH Seong-dae that concer...
Two shorts from the Korean Academy of Film Arts (KAFA), KIM Hyo-mi’s White Silence and KIM Ji-hyeon’s Throttled will be competing in Graduation films section at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival this year. Joining them will be KIM Jin-a’s Report About Death, also a university graduation short. Two years after winning the Best Short Film award at the event, JEONG Da-hee is set to re...