In 1997, just as Nepal's civil war began, 17-year-old Devi was arrested as a rebel and tortured and raped. Rebel leaders have identified her as a rape 'victim'. Devi, who was labeled disgraceful, joined the rebel front, fighting depression and social ostracism, and even served as a member of parliament when it ended of the war. This documentary follows Devi's journey of uniting with survivors. As Devi faces former lawyers and counselors, the film digs into the most private an...
In 1997, just as Nepal's civil war began, 17-year-old Devi was arrested as a rebel and tortured and raped. Rebel leaders have identified her as a rape 'victim'. Devi, who was labeled disgraceful, joined the rebel front, fighting depression and social ostracism, and even served as a member of parliament when it ended of the war. This documentary follows Devi's journey of uniting with survivors. As Devi faces former lawyers and counselors, the film digs into the most private and vulnerable moments. Through her diary, archives and various images, Devi tries to rebuild her erased history and carve out her destiny once again.