A small time gang boss, Namhae, coincidentally meets a young talented card player Minsu, who is wasting his days as a gambler. Namhae persuades him to be his private tutor. While he is learning cards and spending some peaceful time with Minsu, he suddenly allows himself to reflect on his life and Minsu discovers the shady underworld of his student. But when his competitor wants to expand his territory, Namhae is forced onto a path of destruction.
A small time gang boss, Namhae, coincidentally meets a young talented card player Minsu, who is wasting his days as a gambler. Namhae persuades him to be his private tutor. While he is learning cards and spending some peaceful time with Minsu, he suddenly allows himself to reflect on his life and Minsu discovers the shady underworld of his student. But when his competitor wants to expand his territory, Namhae is forced onto a path of destruction.