• Film


Red Tango (2012)
< Re-deu Taeng-go >
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A man is obsessed with death while living with cirrhosis. Working as a suicide-guide, he started to learn tango. After learning the warmth of life from heart-to-heart dancing, he plays tango music for people who want to commit suicide. Sabi loves Mia, the tango bar manager. When Mia falls in love with the tango Maestro, Sabi can’t let Mia go. Mia became an alcoholic which makes it hard for her to dance, and Sabi comes on to Maestro to become his new partner. Mia feels betr...more
Genre Drama Production Status
Running Time 103min Release Date -
Country South Korea Rating
Language Korean Co-Production N
Contact Point
  • Mirovision Inc. | sales@mirovision.com
Director & Producer
Production & Sales Company
Cast Staff
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