• Film


Mom, The Star And The Sea Anemone (1995)
< Mal-mi-jal >
  • Mom, The Star And The Sea Anemone
Nine year old Soo-young lives with her diver mom on an island. She waits for her dad who, according to her mother, went out to sea and has yet to return. One day, Mr. Dok-go comes to the island from the city. He begins to live with them as a boarder. But Soo-young begins to fear losing her mom when she sees her and Mr. Dok-go making out. She reports him to the police, and they find out that he was once writer who supported the popular cause and arrest him. When she returns fr...more
Genre Drama Production Status Released
Running Time 113min Release Date Mar 31, 1995
Country South Korea Rating
Language Korean Co-Production N
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