RG Animation Studios is a film production company specializing in 3D computer animation and founded by KIM Kang-deug and LIM Aa-ron in 2002. Their first creations, short movies starring a polar bear named Bernard, quickly gained attention on internet and won several accolades in festivals around the world. This led the studio to sign a co-production deal with Korean public broadcaster EBS, Spanish animation studio BRB Internacional and French TV channel M6 to make a TV series...
RG Animation Studios is a film production company specializing in 3D computer animation and founded by KIM Kang-deug and LIM Aa-ron in 2002. Their first creations, short movies starring a polar bear named Bernard, quickly gained attention on internet and won several accolades in festivals around the world. This led the studio to sign a co-production deal with Korean public broadcaster EBS, Spanish animation studio BRB Internacional and French TV channel M6 to make a TV series, <Bernard>, based on the character. First broadcast in 2006, the series comprised of three-minute long episodes would prove to be very popular among children, spawning four more seasons and a feature film, <Mug Travel> (2007). After Chinese animation and toy company Alpha Group acquired the intellectual property rights for <Bernard> in 2015, RG Animation Studios produced another film in its successful franchise, <Super White Bear: Spy Adventures> (2017).